Sunday, November 8, 2015

Bringing learning to life

We have all had those teachers.. teachers who made us really enjoy the subject that was being taught. What made these teachers different? What was the source for their effectiveness? Was it related to the teaching methodologies they employed? Was it related to the love they had for their subject? Was it related to the way they carried out the experimentation? Teaching and education is such a complex, multi-dimensional domain and as such it is certain that the answers we all come up with will be varied. 

By teaching and education, I am referring here to the teaching of the letters, math, science, arts and not that of other aspects of getting educated for life. It is unfortunate, but education and teaching has been limited to the teaching of letters, math, science and arts. Will write in detail about the changes needed in one of my future blogs. Now to the question of what makes a teacher a good teacher.

I had been fortunate to learn from some of the great teachers. The paramount feature that was a common thread in all of these teachers was their love for the subject they taught. Be it Chemistry or Tamil, they really loved it and would keep on talking, illustrating and acting out the subject matter they taught. As my Tamil teacher taught, I could see the king, the poet, the peasant and all the other characters. As my Chemistry teacher taught, I could see him moving between the electrodes to give way for the sodium ion that was traveling between them. 

Being a visual learner, my learning always improved with visualization of the abstract concepts. As I reflect now on who had been good teachers, naturally they fall into the category of those teachers who brought learning to life. Some of my other friends did not have problem grasping abstract concepts and they thought this kind of teaching to be too dramatic and did not appreciate. Hence they would not be agreeing to the same set of teachers as good teachers and they would have their own set of attributes they liked.  

What are your views? What were the attributes of the teachers whom you consider good? Please share through comments. Looking forward to hearing from you and learning.     

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